Cloth folding is a complex task due to the inevitable self-occlusions of clothes, their complicated dynamics, and the disparate materials, geometries, and textures that garments can have. In this work, we learn folding actions conditioned on text commands. Translating high-level, abstract instructions into precise robotic actions requires sophisticated language understanding and manipulation capabilities. To do that, we leverage a pre-trained vision-language model and repurpose it to predict manipulation actions. Our model, BiFold, can take context into account and achieves state-of-the-art performance on an existing language-conditioned folding benchmark. To address the lack of annotated bimanual folding data, we introduce a novel dataset with automatically parsed actions and language-aligned instructions, enabling better learning of text-conditioned manipulation. BiFold attains the best performance on our dataset and demonstrates strong generalization to new instructions, garments, and environments.
The main contributions of this work are:
author={Oriol Barbany and Adrià Colomé and Carme Torras},
title={{BiFold: Bimanual Cloth Folding with Language Guidance}},
Below we present some of the actions predicted by BiFold on the unimanual dataset. You can hover over the images to see the text instruction.
While our model predicts a single action, we can concatenate some predefined actions to perform an end-to-end fold:
We include action visualizations for the different bimanual folding environments. In all the following qualitative examples, the pick and place actions for the right and left grippers are represented as the origin and endpoints of arrows: red and green for ground truth (included if using our dataset), and blue and light blue for our model, respectively.
Below are some examples of action predictions on the test partition of our dataset. Note that here the evaluation is performed on static images, so we report image-based metrics in the paper.
To evaluate the manipulation performance, we load the meshes in SoftGym and evaluate the model without training. Note that there is an evident distribution shift between the created dataset and the SoftGym appearance and BiFold has not seen any observation coming from SoftGym. Here are some of the actions performed in SoftGym:
Similarly to before, we provide some of BiFold's predictions:
As with the unimanual dataset, we can also easily perform full rollouts by concatenating folding actions:
We also test our model on real images without any adaptation or fine-tuning:
The VR-Folding dataset does not include annotations for the language-conditioned manipulation task we tackle nor action-level segmentation of the actions or natural language annotations. For each instance, if one of the hands of the demonstrator is grasping a point, the dataset provides the indices of the closest vertices of the simulation mesh. Therefore, there is no information on how the hand approaches the garment. Additionally, the only perceptual input is a point cloud of fixed size. No RGB or depth images are available. The process we propose does not require human intervention, contrary to the one used by Deng et al. for collecting the unimanual dataset , and therefore can be easily scaled.
The VR-Folding dataset does not contain RGB-D inputs, and the provided simulation meshes are un-textured. Moreover, the garments used in the simulator have a constant color for the interior and a repetitive texture with a differentiated color that yields colored point clouds:
This design choice can lead to inputs that can be more easily registered. For example, one can identify the interior and exterior, self-intersections, and the scale of the cloth. However, this texturing could limit the generalization capabilities of our RGB-based models for the same reason, causing the learning process to focus only on such patterns and differentiating the few colors seen during training.
While VR-Folding obtains the simulation meshes by manipulating assets extracted from CLOTH3D, they are re-meshed to obtain triangular faces from the original quadratic faces. For this reason, applying face textures cannot be done straightforwardly and requires a first step of texture baking. After assigning each vertex and triangular face to the original CLOTH3D assets, we can transfer the cloth texture to the simulation meshes. When assigning a material to the mesh, we use a material definition from ClothesNet, which effectively achieves a realistic cloth effect:
Ns 28.763235
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Ks 0.075000 0.075000 0.075000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
We render RGB-D images using BlenderProc2 with cameras pointing at the object whose position we randomly sample from the volume delimited by two spherical caps of different radii with centers on the manipulated object. Concretely, we define the volume using elevations [45°, 90°] and radii [1.8, 2.2]. We use the same camera position for all the steps of the same sequence. Finally, we render RGB-D images with a resolution of 384x384 pixels. We include an example of the original input and our newly introduced samples below.
The decision to use random cameras rather than fixed cameras, as in Deng et al., is one of the reasons why our dataset is challenging. When using random camera positions, the input clothes have different sizes, and their shape is more affected by perspective as the camera deviates from the zenithal position. We ensure that all the pick and place positions fall inside the image and resample a new camera to generate the complete sequence again otherwise.
When annotating bimanual actions using NOCS coordinates, it is usual that the left and right pickers use different semantic locations, e.g., the left picker grabs the top right part, and the right picker grabs the bottom right part. In this case, we can infer that the common objective is to hold the right part of the garment, but one cannot trivially resolve many other situations. To do that, we designed a heuristics detailed below that outputs a common semantic location considering the positions of the left and right pickers given the context of the action. $$ \begin{align} &\textbf{Inputs: }\ l_v, l_h,r_v, r_h, \texttt{type}, \texttt{garment}, s_{\text{pick}} \text{ (if }\texttt{type="place"}\text{)} \\ &\textbf{Output:}\ \text{Semantic location. Optionally a sleeve flag} \\ & v \leftarrow l_v \text{ if } l_v=r_v \text{ else } \text{NULL} \quad \triangleleft\text{Same position in top-bottom plane} \\& h \leftarrow l_h \text{ if } l_h=r_h \text{ else } \text{NULL} \quad \triangleleft\text{Same position in left-right plane} \\ & \textbf{if } h \neq \text{NULL} \\& \quad \textbf{if } v \neq \text{NULL} \\ &\quad \quad \textbf{if } \texttt{type}=\texttt{"place"} \\ &\quad \quad \quad \triangleleft \text{Avoid same pick&place} \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{if } s_{\text{pick}} = h \textbf{ return } v \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{else-if } s_{\text{pick}} = v \textbf{ return } h \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{else-if } s_{\text{pick}}\ \text{opposite of}\ v \textbf{ return } h \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{else-if } s_{\text{pick}}\ \text{opposite of}\ h \textbf{ return } v \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{else} \textbf{ return } v + \texttt{" "}+h \\ &\quad \quad \textbf{else} \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{if } \texttt{garment}=\texttt{"tshirt"} \text{ and }v\text{ is top }\textbf{ then} \\ & \quad\quad\quad\quad \textbf{return }h \text{ and sleeve flag.} \\ &\quad \quad \quad \textbf{else} \textbf{ return } v + \texttt{" "}+h \\ & \quad \textbf{else}\\&\quad\quad\textbf{ return }h\\ & \textbf{else} \\ & \quad \textbf{if } v \neq \text{NULL} \\ & \quad\quad \textbf{return }h \\ & \quad \textbf{else} \\ & \quad\quad \textbf{if }\texttt{type}=\texttt{"place"} \\ & \quad\quad\quad \textbf{return }\text{Opposite of }s_{\text{pick}} \\ & \textbf{Raise error if not returned} \\ \end{align} $$ where \(l_v, l_h, r_v, r_h\) are the semantic locations for the left (\(l\)) and right (\(r\)) picker along the top-bottom (\(v\)) and left-right planes (\(h\)), and \(s_{\text{pick}}\) is the semantic pick location. \(\texttt{type}\) can be \(\texttt{"pick"}\) or \(\texttt{"place"}\) and \(\texttt{"garment"}\) is the garment type. Note that when the sleeve flag is returned, the place action is irrelevant. In some cases, observe that we use both semantic locations together.
Once the semantic location of the pick and place positions are
known, we assign a language instruction to the folding
sub-action. We make use of template prompts below and include
the complete list below. We can distinguish three different
kinds of actions: sleeve manipulations, refinements, and generic
folds. For all of them, the prompts follow a template where the
placeholders surrounded by brackets, i.e.,
and {garment}
, are replaced by
the pick and place semantic locations and the garment type,
respectively. If the heuristics returns a sleeve flag, we use a
prompt from the set of language instructions for sleeves with
the semantic pick position. If the pick and place position is
the same, we assume that the volunteer is performing a
refinement and uses one of the prompts from a predefined list of
language templates for small actions. Otherwise, we use a
generic fold prompt from a set of generic instructions.
Sleeve manipulations |
Fold the
sleeve towards the inside.
Fold the
Fold the
sleeve towards the body.
Bend the
sleeve towards the inside.
Fold the
sleeve to the center.
Fold the
sleeve towards the middle.
Bring the
sleeve to the center.
Fold the
sleeve inward to the halfway point.
Tuck the
sleeve towards the center.
Meet the
sleeve at the center.
Fold the
sleeve to the midpoint.
Center the
Align the
sleeve to the center.
Fold the
sleeve to the axis.
Bring the
sleeve to the median.
Fold the
sleeve to the central point.
Fold the
sleeve towards the midpoint of the shirt.
Bring the
sleeve to the center seam.
Fold the
sleeve to the centerline of the shirt.
Fold the
sleeve to the centerline of the shirt.
Small refinements |
Fold the {which} part of the
{garment} neatly.
Align the {which} part of the
{garment} properly.
Arrange the {which} part of the
{garment} neatly.
Straighten out the {which} part of the
{garment} .
Place the {which} part of the
{garment} in the correct position.
Ensure the {which} part of the
{garment} is well-positioned.
Folds |
Fold the {garment} in half,
{from} to {to} .
Fold the {garment} from the
{from} side towards the
{to} side.
Fold the {garment} in half, starting from
the {from} and ending at the
{to} .
Fold the {garment} ,
{from} side over {to} side.
Bend the {garment} in half, from
{from} to {to} .
Fold the {garment} , making sure the
{from} side touches the
{to} side.
Fold the {garment} , bringing the
{from} side to meet the
{to} side.
Crease the {garment} down the middle, from
{from} to {to} .
Fold the {garment} in half horizontally,
{from} to {to} .
Make a fold in the {garment} , starting from
the {from} and ending at the
{to} .
Fold the {garment} in half, aligning the
{from} and {to} sides.
Fold the {garment} , ensuring the
{from} side meets the
{to} side.
Fold the {garment} , orientating from the
{from} towards the {to} .
Fold the {garment} cleanly, from the
{from} side to the {to} side.
Fold the {garment} in half, with the
{from} side overlapping the
{to} .
Create a fold in the {garment} , going from
{from} to {to} .
Bring the {from} side of the
{garment} towards the
{to} side and fold them in half.
Fold the waistband of the {garment} in
half, from {from} to {to} .
Fold the {garment} neatly, from the
{from} side to the {to} side.
Fold the {garment} , making a crease from
the {from} to the {to} .
Simulating clothes is a very challenging task for which some simulators exhibit a large gap with reality. Additionally, the constrained optimization routines used by some simulators might lead to unstable solutions where the predicted cloth vertices diverge. We found several sequences of the VR-Folding dataset where the clothes underwent this phenomenon and present one of them below.
In the above figure, we can observe that when the simulator becomes unstable, some of the vertex positions are excessively far, creating unusually long edges. To remove this and other occurrences of this phenomenon, we compute the set of edge lengths \begin{align} \mathcal{E}_{\text{lengths}}:=\{\left\lVert \mathbf{v}_i - \mathbf{v}_j\right\rVert: (\mathbf{v}_i,\mathbf{v}_j)\in \mathcal{E}\}\,, \end{align} where \(\mathcal{E}\) is the set of vertices of the mesh. Then, we compute the quantity \begin{align} \frac{\text{max}\left[ \mathcal{E}_{\text{lengths}}\right] - \mathbb{E}\left[ \mathcal{E}_{\text{lengths}}\right]}{\sqrt{\text{VAR}\left[\mathcal{E}_{\text{lengths}}\right]}}\,, \end{align} wich computes how much the maximum edge length deviates from the mean normalized by the standard deviation. Finally, we filter out all meshes for which the ratio of the quantity in the equation above between the mesh of interest and the NOCS mesh exceeds 3.5. Note that NOCS has a different scale but the ratio of standard deviations removes this effect.
The VR-Folding dataset contains almost 4000 bimanual folding demonstrations from humans. The demonstrations are performed with a large variety of meshes, being almost all of them distinct. From these sequences, we are able to segment around 7000 actions and obtain aligned text instructions. By means of our proposed pipeline, we are able to obtain a diverse set of language instructions, totaling more than 1000 unique prompts, as seen in the table below.
Garment | # demos | # meshes | # actions | # instructions |
Skirt | 464 | 462 | 857 | 196 |
Top | 893 | 890 | 891 | 262 |
Trousers | 1541 | 1539 | 2770 | 353 |
T-shirt | 993 | 990 | 2444 | 254 |
In the figure below, we show a histogram of the number of actions of each sequence grouped by clothing category in linear scale and stacked (left) and logarithmic scale and separated (right) for the BiFold dataset. Note that some sequences can have only one action as the sequence can be truncated by some filtering step and the valid folding sub-action can still be useful for training. We can see that there are sequences with up to six parsed actions, showing the clear need for our novel pipeline for action parsing and annotation as the demonstrators do not follow the predefined instructions.
Below, we show the distribution of the semantic locations of the origin and end of the manipulation actions. While in the up-down folds, most volunteers prefer to fold top to down, the folds along the left-right direction present an almost equal number of samples from left to right than from right to left.
When referring to folding sleeves, the next figure shows a similar distribution of equal preference for the left and right arm with the latter being slightly more used for the first fold.
Finally, we can see that there is a non-negligible number of refinement actions, which the volunteers use to correct suboptimal folds. The existence of the suboptimal folds is the main motivation for the context that BiFold incorporates, which allows us to keep track of the previous actions.
For each dataset, we train a single model for all the cloth categories using the resolution of the images in the training set. That means unimanual models ingest a square image with a resolution of 224 pixels, while bimanual models use a higher resolution of 384. All models use a Vision Transformer image backbone that tokenizes the input image by taking 16x16 patches. We use the SigLIP base model in Hugginface. We process the RGB images and the input text using the default SigLIP processor. During inference of the bimanual models, we apply the mask to the input image and fill the rest with the background color of the training images.
The SigLIP model is trained with a contrastive objective similar to CLIP and hence learns to extract a single image embedding and a text embedding that lie in the same space and are close if they have semantic similarities. Instead, we are interested in retrieving tokens for the image and language information to be fused using a transformer. Doing so allows incorporating additional conditioning signals as we do in the BiFold version with context and has the potential of adding new modalities. Moreover, this formulation allows the processing of the tokens corresponding to the input image and transforming them back to the image domain to obtain value maps. The tokens we use are the last hidden states of SigLIP, which have dimension 768.
The pretraining of SigLIP on large-scale datasets enables us to learn the invariances of images from data and create a high-level representation of images and text. However, the pretraining objective may focus on distinctive parts of the text that can make a discriminative embedding on the shared space, which does not necessarily align with the representations needed for our problem. With this in mind, we use LoRA, allowing us to modify the inner activations while retaining the knowledge that would not be possible to learn from small datasets such as that from Deng et al..
Once we obtain the output tokens of the SigLIP model with the LoRA modifications, we append a class token to indicate the modality of each input and concatenate the result, i.e., one for RGB images and one for text. For the version with context, we process each RGB image separately, add a single RGB image class token, and add a learned positional embedding element-wise to be able to distinguish time steps and pixel positions. The resulting tokens are processed using a transformer encoder with 8 blocks having 16 heads each and dimensions 4 times that of the input. The convolutional decoder heads all have the same architecture, which consists of 5 2D convolutional layers with kernel size 1 that halve the number of channels every two layers until reaching a single channel. Each of the layers but the last one is followed by upsampling layers with a scale factor of 2, yielding an image with the same resolution as the input.
Besides the ablations provided in the paper, we experimented with other design choices that proved unsuccessful during the early development of this project:
The pick and place manipulation primitive uses the following steps:
All the movements are performed at a speed of 5 mm/action except steps 2 and 7, which we perform 100 times faster as they are supposed to not interact with the cloth. The bimanual primitive uses the unimanual primitive with the actions executed at the same time for both pickers.
To obtain segmentation masks, we use the ViT-h model variant of SAM using pixel coordinates as input prompts. The masks are then used to determine square crops of the images provided by the Azure Kinect camera, which provides 1280x720 pixel images. To reduce the influence of the noise of the depth sensor, we take 10 images and use the median value for each pixel. In particular, we compose axis aligned bounding boxes taking all the images of a given folding sequence. Then, we crop the images to a size determined as the maximum side length of the bounding box of all the images and a margin of 10 pixels added to prevent pick and place positions from falling on the border of the image. If needed, we pad the images using constant padding with value 0. We present the resulting cropped images for the clothes used in the real setup below.
We evaluate our model on eight pieces of cloth: The checkered rag and small towel from the public household dataset, two jeans, a long-sleeved and two short-sleeved T-shirts, and a dress. The rag, towel, and dress are unseen clothing categories. The jeans have a new material different from the smooth fabrics obtained in rendering. The long-sleeved T-shirt is a double-layer tee that does not appear in any training example. Besides, we record the dataset in a real setup with new lighting conditions, obtain shadows and reflexes, and the garments have different textures. Overall, the real dataset has a significant shift in the distribution of the inputs. Below, we show images of the eight garments of the real dataset in the initial configuration, which have different materials, topologies and textures.
BiFold predicts a single pick-and-place action at a time. Hence,
we do not expect it to perform a whole rollout with a single
instruction (when performing an end-to-end folding, we provide a
sequence of instructions). However, we found it interesting to
probe the model with some out-of-distribution instructions. When
prompted with "Fold a T-shirt into a square"
, the
model predicts an action that folds a part of the shirt inwards
to make it more similar to a square. While the language
instruction is new, we can expect this behavior as the dataset
contains similar folding steps.
When using the instruction
Fold the trousers in L shape
we obtain outputs like
the ones presented below. In the first row, we see that BiFold
ignores the instruction and performs the fold for the current
image observation that is statistically more common in the
dataset. In the second row, we can see that it tries different
actions with a single hand that can. Notably, there were many
more actions using only one hand for this instruction than on
average, but the model does not replicate a way to achieve an
L-fold that would grasp the end of one of the legs with one or
two arms and move it diagonally up and to the other side, which
we can expect due to the absence of similar folds in the
BiFold also experiments some failures, and below we present a collection of the worse bimanual action predictions obtained for each environment and cloth category:
In order to compute quantitative evaluations on the real-world images, we start by collecting human annotations. To do that, we set up a pipeline in which volunteers can indicate a bimanual folding pick-and-place action by indicating the origin and end of the movement of the left and right arms based on an image and a natural language instruction. We filter out invalid annotations and only keep the actions in which the pick positions fall inside the cloth region. Below we present some annotation examples, which may have one or several valid actions.
We compute image-based performance metrics on the real-world images using the previous annotations. To augment the number of samples in the evaluation, we apply all the language templates of Tables 1 and 3 of the supplementary in the initial submission for sleeve manipulations and folds, respectively. By doing so, we achieve a 20x factor in the sample size and evaluate how the model behaves to changes in the language. The next table shows the quantitative results for BiFold with and without context and Deng et al..
AP5 (↑) | AP10 (↑) | AP20 (↑) | AP50 (↑) | KP-MSE (↓) | Quantile (%) (↑) | |
Deng et al. | 1.4 | 5.8 | 14.3 | 35.3 | 37.1 | 66.1 |
BiFold w/o context | 15.8 | 35.6 | 56.6 | 81.0 | 15.5 | 93.1 |
BiFold | 9.5 | 31.4 | 49.9 | 73.8 | 18.8 | 90.4 |
The added complexity and domain shift due to visual differences, new language prompts, and unseen garments show an overall decrease in performance from the image metrics on the simulation-based bimanual dataset. However, we can see that BiFold consistently outperforms the baseline, which suffers from the imperfect depth maps of the real world and the pseudo-ground truth segmentation masks as it has only seen perfect ground-truth masks and depths during training. We can see this in the low accuracy scores, i.e., average precision and keypoint distance, and in the quantile performance that indicates a radically less confident prediction that becomes closer to random. Given the significant sim-to-real gap, BiFold cannot successfully incorporate context this time, the plain version being better in real-world evaluation. We hypothesize that the reason is that the image representation is worse due to the reality gap, and the error accumulates in the processing of the current image and those in the context.
Most of the previous approaches work with depth maps. While this design decision makes the model naturally invariant to texture and luminance changes, it also discards the color information, which is included in most sensing devices and provides useful cues to understand the cloth state. While the invariance to appearance changes theoretically reduces the sim-to-real gap, real depth sensors are noisy and yield imperfect point clouds. The majority of prior works only train on perfect depth maps and segmentation masks, which makes the reality gap larger in practice. Our solution is based on incorporating color information through a foundational model fine-tuned with LoRA to maintain the generalization capabilities gained with large-scale pretraining.
While the approach to predict pick positions on segmented point clouds that some prior works adopt has some benefits, it also has many drawbacks that motivated us to operate on the pixel space. The benefit is that, instead of predicting pixel coordinates, these methods predict a probability distribution over the points and selects the best of them for the pick position. Naturally, the point is in the 3D world where the robot operates and does not need to be back-projected, which could ease computing relations between points as Euclidean geometry in 3D is easier than the projective geometry that images have. One drawback of these class of methods is that, in practice, the point cloud needs to be downsampled and some methods can only work with a reduced number of vertices. As an example, Deng et al. only keep 200 points. As shown in the next figure, for real-world point clouds this implies a huge reduction of the input size that hinders learning useful quantities.
In particular, the subsampling fails to cover relevant parts of the manipulated garment such as the edges and corners, where there is less density of points than in the center of the cloth. This limitation is also shared to some extent by other methods relying on processing downsampled point clouds. For example, UniFolding processes an input point cloud by first downsampling it to 8,000 points, quantizing their coordinates, and finally selecting 4,000 of such quantized points (we get the number of sampled points from the configuration and the sampling strategy in the data processing part of the official implementation). The sampling strategy is to randomly choose from the input set of points without replacement. This strategy may lead to poor coverage of the input point cloud as it is possible that the points of a given zone are not selected. This could be improved by performing FPS instead.
Even if using smarter sampling strategies such as FPS, the average number of pixels inside the cloth region, i.e., the effective number of possible pick positions, is on average 17,171. We present the histogram of values below.
We can see that, while the minimum number of pixels in the cloth region is 3,760, which is slightly under the number of points of UniFolding, the majority of samples have a larger value, being 69,221 points the maximum. If considering the number of total pixels in the image, there are 147,456 possible place points.
Some of the previous approaches predicting both the picking and placing position using a segmented point cloud of the manipulated garment. While all pick positions fall in the cloth region, as they must specify a part of the cloth for the grasp, this is not satisfied for the place positions of the bimanual cloth manipulation dataset. To put numbers to it, we compute the average distance in pixels between the ground truth place positions of a given arm (recall that our dataset provides eight contact points) and the segmentation mask of the cloth. Then, we take the maximum value between the previous distances for the right and left arm, yielding the maximum distance to a mask. Doing so, we obtain the following histogram, which shows that roughly 80% of the samples of the dataset have a place position with a non-zero distance to the segmentation mask. The large number of place positions out of the cloth region shows the importance of using the pixel space and not the cloth point cloud.
We include samples with large distances below.
Another limitation more specific of Deng et al. is that the processing of point clouds uses fixed thresholds. For example, the subsampling is performed after a voxelization step with a fixed grid size of 0.0125 m. Then, the authors create a graph from the resulting point cloud that serves as input to the visual connectivity graph model. To create the graph, the authors find vertex neighbors using an \(\ell_2\) ball with a radius of 0.045 m. Overall, this makes the approach highly dependent on the scale, meaning that scaling up the same garment would result in different input graphs. As a reference, we include an illustration with the point clouds of T-shirts from the real-world evaluation and the unimanual dataset below.
Finally, another limitation common in the previous methods is that they cannot keep a running memory and take previous observations into account. By doing that, BiFold can resolve ambiguities using past observations (e.g., parts of the cloth that were visible but are not currently visible or symmetries that appear with some cloth states such as a garment folded in a square shape and perceptually similar up-down and left-right directions) and apply refinement actions to correct suboptimal actions.
Our dataset does not contain a variety of backgrounds, lighting, and materials. We address the lack of diversity of background by using image masking, and the large set of textures used in our dataset accounts for variability regarding the visual appearance. We obtain semantic locations based on \gls{nocs} thresholding, which is a reasonable approach but leverages the fact that the garments of the same category have a similar shape. Considering clothes with more variability such as those in the ClothesNet dataset may require other approaches. One possibility is to use a contrastive vision-language model and find the nearest neighbor in the embedding space from a set of category-specific names, e.g., hem, collar, sleeve, cuff. This is similar to approaches that distill language features to 3D, a technique applied to robotics in Distilled Feature Fields.
BiFold and all other approaches predicting value maps to infer pick and place positions are trained to minimize image-based metrics. As we can observe in the qualitative results that evaluate pixel accuracy in our bimanual dataset, the BiFold variant with context can obtain outstanding results. However, we are ultimately interested in improving the success metrics on folding actions instead. One of the problems is that using start and end positions close in the pixel space to the optimal positions may result in radically different configurations after performing the pick-and-place action. This is due to the nearly infinite degrees of freedom of clothes.
When assessing the pick-and-place success, using a dataset of human demonstrations calls into question the evaluation procedure to compare to an oracle. As we have seen, demonstrations are sometimes bad, which can lead to confusing performance reports. While there exist metrics to evaluate simple garment manipulation actions such as folding in half , some of the actions we include in our dataset, e.g., refinement actions, cannot be directly evaluated with such metrics.
Among the baselines considered in this work, Foldsformer and Deng et al. use SoftGym as a simulator, while CLIPort relies on PyBullet. However, according to a recent bimanual cloth manipulation bechmark, the cloth physics of these simulators is inaccurate. Among all the simulators tested in the benchmark, MuJoCo is chosen as the one achieving closer dynamics. Even if the pick and place positions are perfect, the success metric also considers errors from the manipulator. While simulators allow the grasp mesh vertices and hence achieve an ideal grasp, deploying on real robots introduces additional errors due to incorrect grasps or workspace limitations. This can be seen in some examples in simulation, and we include one of them below:
Fold the trousers, orientating from the bottom right
towards the top left.
. BiFold produces satisfactory pick and place locations
(left), but the actions of the primitive (from second image
onwards) fail to grasp the lower layer due to hard-coded
action to approach the cloth and pick it up.
A natural next step could be to not rely on primitives and directly predict robot actions, which could help improve the grasp and evaluation of real robots. To do that we could use a diffusion policy and condition it with the predicted pick and place actions.
In this work, we also focus on folding subactions instead of an end-to-end fold. However, performing a fold would amount to either following a predefined list of ordered instructions or using a LLM-based planner to break down the task into steps .